- 1. Entrada, impressão e números
- 2. Números inteiros e flutuantes
- 3. Condições: if-then-else
- 4. Para loop com alcance
- 5. Cordas
- 6. Enquanto loop
- 7. Listas
- 8. Funções e recursão
- 9. Listas bidimensionais (arrays)
- 10. Conjuntos
- 11. Dicionários
- 12. JavaScript
- 13. HTML5 and CSS
- 14. Responsive Design with Bootstrap
- 15. jQuery
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Multiply two matrices
Given three positive integers \( m \), \( n \) and \( r \), \( m \) lines of \( n \) elements, giving an \( m \times n \) matrix \( A \), and \( n \) lines of \( r \) elements, giving an \( n \times r \) matrix \( B \), form the product matrix \( A B \), which is the \( m \times r \) matrix whose \( (i,k) \) entry is the sum $$ A[i][1] * B[1][k] + \cdots + A[i][n] * B[n][k] $$ and print the result.
In all the problems input the data using input()
and print the result using print()
Given three positive integers \( m \), \( n \) and \( r \), \( m \) lines of \( n \) elements, giving an \( m \times n \) matrix \( A \), and \( n \) lines of \( r \) elements, giving an \( n \times r \) matrix \( B \), form the product matrix \( A B \), which is the \( m \times r \) matrix whose \( (i,k) \) entry is the sum $$ A[i][1] * B[1][k] + \cdots + A[i][n] * B[n][k] $$ and print the result.In all the problems input the data using input()
and print the result using print()