- 1. Input, print and numbers
- 2. Integer and float numbers
- 3. Conditions: if, then, else
- 4. For loop with range
- 5. Strings
- 6. While loop
- 7. Lists
- 8. Functions and recursion
- 9. Two-dimensional lists (arrays)
- 10. Sets
- 11. Dictionaries
- 12. JavaScript
- 13. HTML5 and CSS
- 14. Responsive Design with Bootstrap
- 15. jQuery
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Even elements
Given a list of numbers, find and print all elements that are an even number. In this case use a for-loop that iterates over the list, and not over its indices! That is, don't use range()
In all the problems input the data using input()
and print the result using print()
Given a list of numbers, find and print all elements that are an even number. In this case use a for-loop that iterates over the list, and not over its indices! That is, don't userange()
In all the problems input the data using input()
and print the result using print()