- 1. Input, print and numbers
- 2. Integer and float numbers
- 3. Conditions: if, then, else
- 4. For loop with range
- 5. Strings
- 6. While loop
- 7. Lists
- 8. Functions and recursion
- 9. Two-dimensional lists (arrays)
- 10. Sets
- 11. Dictionaries
- 12. JavaScript
- 13. HTML5 and CSS
- 14. Responsive Design with Bootstrap
- 15. jQuery
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King move
Chess king moves horizontally, vertically or diagonally to any adjacent cell. Given two different cells of the chessboard, determine whether a king can go from the first cell to the second in one move. The program receives the input of four numbers from 1 to 8, each specifying the column and row number, first two - for the first cell, and then the last two - for the second cell. The program should output YES
if a king can go from the first cell to the second in one move, or NO

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In all the problems input the data using input()
and print the result using print()
Chess king moves horizontally, vertically or diagonally to any adjacent cell. Given two different cells of the chessboard, determine whether a king can go from the first cell to the second in one move. The program receives the input of four numbers from 1 to 8, each specifying the column and row number, first two - for the first cell, and then the last two - for the second cell. The program should output YES
if a king can go from the first cell to the second in one move, or NO
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In all the problems input the data using input()
and print the result using print()